Saturday, May 17, 2008

To You O' Store Front Salesman

Why do you think it is such a great idea to breed your dogs and then try and sell them in from of Wal-mart, petsmart, Home Depot -insert other store here-. No I do not want to buy your $150 pitbull puppies you have sitting in a standard trailer in the 88 degree heat with no food water or shelter.

No i do not want you probably 6 week old puppies you bred from probably un-papered pitbull. How did you even get them there, holy hell please tell me you did not drag them there IN that trailer because that thing was made for MAYBE hauling hay not little puppies in the heat.

For that matter exactly why do you think you un-papered however old pitbull puppies should fetch 150 smackeroos with your great selling tactic of sitting out in the parking lot of a well travelled store with your cardboard sign? Who the hell is stupid enough to shell out that much change anyway?

I'm sorry, you mystify me BYB sell your puppies in front of -insert store here- man

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