Brittany's Animal CrapdomThis place disgusts me, first of all very rarely will you EVER find a dog breeder that breeds more than one type of dog and they be anything close to an ethical breeder. This woman breeds not one not two but THREE different breeds of dogs. And does she do it ethically, not IMHO.
Apparently their motto is Size and beauty DOES matter. Good to know that breeding gigantic dogs for fad purposes matters.
"The proof of the quality of our dogs is in our clients' overwhelming satisfaction"
Right because we know the general public isn't just as satisfied buying dogs and puppies from pet stores and puppy mills. The general dog buying public is bound to be satisfied that they have their new fad gigantor dog so NO their is no proof in quality because the people who buy your dogs are happy with them.
"We do not believe in "fixing" or "training" a dog so that he can fit into your family situation. The trait we refer to as "Compliance" is genetic and we diligently breed for this. Right from the start your puppy will behave according to your wishes and be easy to live with and enjoy. And you will never need to see a trainer, use choke chains, pinch collars, clickers, food rewards, or any other gimmicks. Just the gentle Humane Connection Method
EXCUSE ME? Are you SERIOUS? I'm sorry I can not even BEGIN to argue the stupidity in this statement. I don't care how docile or compliant a dog is all dogs should receive at LEAST basic obedience training and it further proves this lady is a quack. If you dogs are 'low maintenance easy keepers' then you have completely destroyed the temperaments of all three of these breeds! there is no such thing a low maintenance dog and more than their is a low maintenance child!
Their rottweilers have become mastiffs with rottweiler colouring but apparently that's what they were going for as they claim rottweilers were originally bred to be mastiff dogs -rolls eyes-. I have a hard time getting through all the bs on this site. these people have either set up a really great bs system or have deluded themselves into believing breeding dogs that already are prone to Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia should add MORE weight to those joints. Apparently Rottweilers are Italian not German who knew?
To me her rottweiler look like giant pigs compared to what a REAL (apparently she thinks American AND Germans in these three breeds are under-bred and mutts)
Under each of the breed pages they ramble about how THEIR -insert breed here- is different from all the other -insert breed here- yeah lady they are different. it's called being a gigantic BYB with no concerns for the true conformation of the breed.
Oh and lady you aren't that different there are tons of other crappy breeders like you that breed dogs 5 times the sizes they should be. Get your head out of your ass. Oh and if you don't advocate using training exactly how do you train those protection dogs of yours?
Delving further into her site you can see apparently on the puppy page they use plastic kiddie swimming pools for mamma and the pups? yeah great choice there lady. Go and use all the money you get from selling these monsters and invest in what we call a weaning box thank you.
Her health guarantee for HD a GENETIC problem ends at the age of 2, you know...the age you can ACTUALLY get them tested for HD? Preliminary tests are all that can be done before a dog is full grown. Like any good backyard breeder they tell you about how the vet has certified the health of their dogs and the puppies.
Wel whoop de freakin do. Get off you but and get them all OFA tested at the LEAST. better yet? Go and get those UGLY monstrosities of dogs spayed and neutered so we don't have to see rottweiler that look like this anymore.

THIS is a rottweiler, a Seiger winner and HD tested at that.

Now which one do YOU think is better conformation wise and will perform better in the jobs they were bred for? I would love to see one of her monstrosities in personal protection training versus one that is from a real working line. I doubt any of her dogs will ever see a Schutzhund 3 title, oh wait I'm sorry she don't care bout them silly titles hehe.