Monday, January 26, 2009

Progress for the APBT

Okay so we're chugging along and finally the UKC has amended the APBT standard to prevent overdone dogs from winning in the rings (hopefully). It's just gotten kind of ridiculous. ONE breed has so much variation that we can barely say "Hey that's a APBT"

Amended UKC standard:

UKC imho needs to stop allowing dual registration. To the AKC the American Staffordshire Terrier is not the APBT so why is the UKC allowing dual registration at all? Yess the Amstaff came from the APBT but the AKC breeds for such different dogs that now due to dual registration we have Amstaff looking APBT's. Why can't the UKC just register the Amstaff as well...the AMSTAFF?!

In other news the American Bully is slowly breaking away from the APBT and for this I am glad. I am happy they now have their own registry system and hopefully people will be happy that they have American Bullies and stop calling them APBT's. There are even a handful of responsible breeders who are pushing for health testing and keep their dogs fits. Too many ambully breeders simply have FAT dogs and then try an brag about how awesome their dogs are and how huge they are.

So here's a little illustration on my views of the "types" of pitbull and their ideal fitness and form

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

This is Tess an nice example of a fit bitch

American Pitbull Terrier

Angus is a good example of a fit gamey type APBT dog

This is what I consider a good balanced dog this is what I expect to see outside of gamey types.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Here is what i feel is a nice fit amstaff dog to me the UKC needs to pull back from this type of dog being an APBT and add it as it's own breed.

A less conditioned example of the breed

American Bully

King Kamali a ambully a handsome dog but this should never win in a ring as an apbt EVER.

A taller Ambully example with a more balanced look

Two conditioned AmBullies

So yeah that's MY breakdown at least
Oh almost forgot to learn more about the American Bully registry their website is here:
The American Bully Kennel Club

Yeah I haven't been ranting much sorry about that I simply don't have the time.